Final Fantasy: Best Mobile Games

Fans have enjoyed Final Fantasy games since the 80’s and across different platforms. From arcade consoles to home consoles, there’s nowhere these games can’t be experienced, even on the go. It is an intrigue franchise that combines fantasy and science fiction. It is common for many popular video games to get ports on mobile devices.

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Whether you’re looking for something brand new or a familiar setting, Final Fantasy has you covered. Grab your iOS or Android supported device and immerse yourself in new and familiar fantastical worlds. Pick up a sword or wand as an original or established character.


10 Final Fantasy: All the Bravest

Square Enix has taken a fresh approach to this mobile game. Final Fantasy games of the past limited a party to four or five characters. All the Bravest, on the other hand, allows a party to have up to a whopping 40 characters. That’s more than any other RPG. Although this game was produced in 2013, it features 16-bit graphics just like the primary Final Fantasy games of the past. Unfortunately, this game didn’t resonate with fans due to the lack of depth. There was no story, character customization was minimal, and it just didn’t feel like a Final Fantasy game, save for the profession classes.

9 Final Fantasy record holder

Mobile feature to shut down Final Fantasy Record Keeper

Square Enix posed the question to its player base: what if you changed the story of your favorite Final Fantasy games? Record Keeper was the answer. It allows you to play through certain scenarios from previous games and change their outcome. If you are interested in reliving good memories while experiencing new events, this free mobile game is ideal. Unfortunately, the publisher of Record Keeper ended support for the game in 2022.

8th Final Fantasy 15: A New Empire

Characters from Final Fantasy 15

A New Empire is unlike any other Final Fantasy game in the franchise. While most are action-adventure RPGs, this entry is a multiplayer tower defense game. It uses the same environment and characters as Final Fantasy 15, but nothing else resembles a Final Fantasy game.

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In this tower defense game you have to mine resources to build and strengthen different structures to defend against other players.

7 Final Fantasy Dimensions

Final Fantasy Dimensions A group fights a summons

Final Fantasy Dimensions is an all-new installment in the mobile franchise that successfully captures the essence of old-school Final Fantasy games with its 16-bit graphics. The story revolves around two groups of adventurers trying to heal a world divided in two. The enemies are a combination of exceptionally easy to defeat and unreasonably difficult, much to the frustration of fans. Additionally, Dimensions uses a job system similar to Final Fantasy 5 to help characters progress and adds a fun component for you to focus on.

6 final fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 8 Squall Gunblade

In 2021, fan-favorite Final Fantasy 8 has been revamped for iOS and Android devices. It returns with everything you could want from Final Fantasy 8, including a tweaked version of the Junction system, which adds abilities to your characters as you drain magic from enemies. This isn’t a full remake like the one that Final Fantasy 7 received, but it’s a facelift with updated graphics, presenting the melancholic Squall and his friends in HD.

5 Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Brave Exvius gameplay image

If you’re looking for a simple 2D RPG with all the makings of an awesome Final Fantasy game, Brave Exvius is the game to download. It’s an original free Final Fantasy game with brand new characters and a deep story. A collaboration between Square Enix and Alim, Brave Exvius takes inspiration from previous Final Fantasy games as well as Alim’s Brave Frontier.

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Unlike Brave Frontier, Brave Exvius lets you explore different towns and dungeons. In addition, characters from previous Final Fantasy games can be used in combat and guest-star like fan favorites like Cloud Strife and Vivi.

4 Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

Screenshot of FF Tactics: War of the Lions.  A knight fights a blue bomb.

Released for PSP, iOS and Android, The War of the Lions gives mobile users the opportunity to enjoy the world of Ivalice, the same environment used for previous Final Fantasy Tactics games and Final Fantasy 12. It’s a political thriller told through the action of its combat system. Strategy is of the utmost importance in The War of the Lions, as where your character stands and in which direction they face can make the difference between life and death.

3 War of Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Mont Leonis fights a bomb

Inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics, War of the Visions, the sequel to Brave Exvius that gives you a grid-based map for combat and story development. Speaking of combat, War of the Visions features a PVP option that lets you fight other players instead of AI opponents. Many combat techniques and abilities make a return, adding some familiarity to the game for Final Fantasy fans. There are also multiplayer quests to enjoy with friends if PVP isn’t your thing.

2 Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Ominia

Battle reward screen featuring characters from Final Fantasy Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

Since Marvel’s success with its shared cinematic universe, each company in every medium has made attempts to create their own shared universe. Final Fantasy is no exception. Dissidia Opera Ominia successfully brought together characters from multiple Final Fantasy installments to fight together.

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There are plenty of characters to placate even the most casual fan of the franchise, and it gives more dedicated fans a glimpse of how these characters interact with one another. Combat relies on a feature called “Bravery Gauge” that rises and falls during battle, acting as a damage multiplier.

1 Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7 original

There’s no shortage of Final Fantasy 7 content out there. From Dirge of Cerberus to the episodic remake, Final Fantasy 7 is the most popular part of the franchise. Of course, it’s received a port to mobile devices for everyone to enjoy between social media posts and texts. It’s the same old game from 1997, so don’t expect any of the updated graphics or storyline tweaks from the Playstation 5 remake.

Next: The best Final Fantasy games for beginners

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