How to downgrade Windows 11 to Windows 10 in 7 steps.

You can save Windows 10, but there’s a catch.

Windows 11, now the pre-installed default operating system that handles configuration on the new devices, was introduced in October 2021 as the major release of Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system. The hardware is designed to work with Microsoft’s latest operating system, and most new models don’t offer the tempting option of installing the older versions (Windows 10). While the new Windows comes with a redesigned interface a lot of new features (version 22H2), many people consider buying new PCs just to downgrade to Windows 10. Well, it’s not possible on all systems.

If a Windows 10 user has a running system that meets the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11, an update will be offered periodically. Even as a free upgrade to the user-friendly predecessor Windows 10, many were not enthusiastic.

Some users noticed a few glitches like the system wasn’t working properly or expected features weren’t up to date. If the troubleshooting didn’t help you either, here is a guide to help you downgrade from Windows 11 to Windows 10. Perhaps you can reinstall Windows 11 once Microsoft’s developers have made the necessary changes.

If you have found too many inconsistencies or errors or something is missing from your Windows 10, you may not be that excited about the new Microsoft Windows 11 software. We have the step-by-step fix(s) for you.

Windows 10 is expected to be supported by Microsoft until October 2025.

To downgrade from Windows 11 to Windows 10:

Technical know-how level: intermediate.

Applicable to : Systems with preinstalled Windows 10.

Requirements : Within 10 days of update, files from previous versions (Windows.old folder)

Is the time frame between your update to Windows 11 and now within 10 days? Then you can continue with this step-by-step tutorial. Make sure you back up any files created after upgrading to Windows 11 as rolling back to Windows 10 may delete them. In addition, all programs installed after the update must be reinstalled and settings reconfigured (if there are any changes). Remember to keep the system connected to a power source while downgrading from Windows 11 to Windows 10.

Please note: When the time frame is up, the only way to go back from Windows 11 is to reinstall Windows 10. All data will be lost and backing up files is a must. A user needs to do a custom install of Windows that wipes/formats everything. Create installation media with Windows 10 Media Creation Tool and boot your PC from it. Choose Custom installation.

Step 1

open that settings apartment (keyboard shortcut: Windows + I). Tap on system in the top left sidebar and click recreation in the right bar. You should be able to see those Go back dialog button. Select the button.

Settings → System → Recovery → Back

Step 2:

A Windows 11 dialog box will appear, “Go back to Windows 10” and ask you “Why are you going back?”. Mention the reason you want in the ‘Tell us more’ field or select from all available options. Press the Next Button.

step 2

Let Microsoft know your comments about your decision to downgrade to Windows 10.

Step 3:

Microsoft will prompt for confirmation if you’re really considering downgrading to Windows 10 as the latest update from Windows 11 ‘might fix the problems you’re having.’

Tap on Check for updates if you want to check the reasons for the software problems. If not, select that No thank you Button.

step 3

The dialog will try to convince you to continue with Windows 11.

Step 4:

Windows 11 will then open a dialog box below, what you need to know Information is displayed here that the user must consider before downgrading to Windows 10. After going through everything carefully, choose when you’re ready Next.

step 4

Don’t forget to backup any files added or changed after Windows 11 update.

Step 5:

Another warning dialog box appears below, Don’t get locked out to make sure you remember the password you configured for the user account on Windows 10. If you forget the password, it will be difficult to login after Windows 11 downgrade. Tap on Next when you want to continue.

step 5

Don’t get locked out of your own PC by forgetting passwords.

Step 6:

You can finally tap Go back to Windows 10 Button to start downgrading Windows 11 to Windows 10.

step 6

Return to Windows 10 from Windows 11.

Step 7:

Your system will now restart and in a few moments you will see a black screen with the words: Restore your previous version of Windows which will take some time depending on the amount of data to be restored.

step 7

The Windows logo is slow to appear, but as long as you can see the circular animated dots, it will work.

gradation ended

So plug in the charger and sit back patiently. Once your PC loads the Windows 10 lock screen, you can tap or click your mouse to open the login screen. You can run those winver Command to check Windows 10 version.

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