How to open Terminal on Mac

If you’re trying to figure out how to open Terminal on a Mac, you might already have a use for it in mind. One thing is for sure, it comes in handy every now and then to do macOS tasks that aren’t possible by clicking around in the Mac’s menus and preferences. It gives you direct access to the operating system shell console. In other words, you can use it to dig under the hood of your computer.

That said, it’s not for the faint of heart. It uses a command line interface so you have to type instead of clicking. In a way, it’s a throwback to the earlier days of computing, but you can make changes to your Mac and even have fun. A word of warning, however, don’t play around with Terminal unless you’re sure or have a set of instructions handy.

How to open Terminal on Mac

  1. Open Launchpad
  2. Select the Other folder
  3. Click on the Terminal icon

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