How to set up Windows Subsystem for Android on your Windows 11 PC

Gone are the times while you wanted an emulator to run Android apps on Home windows. Home windows Subsystem for Android means that you can set up Android apps in your Home windows 11 machine simply. Not like among the greatest Chromebooks that include the Google Play Retailer preinstalled, putting in Android apps utilizing Home windows Subsystem for Android is not that straightforward. Home windows Subsystem for Android was introduced through the Home windows 11 launch, however Microsoft hasn’t made it out there on all Home windows 11 builds. Nonetheless, there’s a intelligent technique to set up Android apps on any Home windows 11 PC.


Home windows Subsystem for Android works the identical method as Home windows Subsystem for Linux, which Microsoft launched in 2016. Each WSL and WSA use virtualization expertise to put in and run apps.

Putting in Android apps on Home windows 11

You may set up Home windows Subsystem for Android utilizing the installer bundle or by signing up for the Beta or Developer builds within the Home windows Insider Program (it really works solely within the U.S. or by altering the area in settings). This information focuses on the previous.

Putting in the Home windows Subsystem for Android

To put in WSA, we’ll use the Microsoft Retailer Technology Undertaking web site. It retrieves the packages from the Microsoft server, the identical server that Microsoft Retailer makes use of to put in apps in your Home windows PC, and is totally protected to make use of.

  1. Head to retailer.rg-adguard.internet.
  2. Copy the next hyperlink and paste it into the URL field:

  3. Click on the drop-down arrow to the correct and choose Gradual.

  4. Click on the examine mark to seek for recordsdata.
  5. Scroll down and click on the most important MSIX bundle to begin the obtain. The most recent model, as of scripting this (2204.4000.8.0), is 1.34 GB.

  6. When the obtain finishes, go to the file’s location.
  7. Proper-click on the file and click on Rename.
  8. Add the textual content .appx on the finish of the file and press Enter.

  9. Double-click on the file and click on the Set up button.

  10. As soon as completed putting in, the Home windows Subsystem for Android launches.

Putting in an app retailer: Aurora Retailer

Now that you simply’re executed putting in WSA, chances are you’ll assume the following step is to put in the Google Play Retailer and Play Companies for a fully-blown Android expertise. Nonetheless, it is not that straightforward. When WSA was first introduced, folks began trying to find methods to put in Google Play Retailer on the identical. That is when somebody fumbled up on a script that allowed putting in the Play Retailer and different Google Companies in a jiffy. It was later found that the scripts had been injecting customers with malware and malicious scripts, as reported by BleepingComputer.

There are lots of protected Play Retailer options. One in all our favorites is the Aurora Retailer. Because it’s doable to sideload apps on WSA, it is simple to put in Aurora Retailer first after which set up your favourite apps.

  1. Get the secure Aurora Retailer APK from its official web site.
  2. Set up the Android Debugging Bridge. Seek advice from the Home windows: Guide Setup part in our ADB information.
  3. Navigate to the Platform Instruments folder, right-click, and choose Open in Terminal.

  4. Open Home windows Subsystem for Android, go to Developer, and activate Developer mode.

  5. As soon as turned on, Android’s Developer choices pop up in a window. Shut it, and you may see a string of numbers separated by durations and a semicolon.
  6. Go to the Terminal and kind adb join quantity. Substitute quantity with the quantity you see within the Developer mode part. For instance, adb join
  7. As soon as executed, it returns linked and asks you to permit USB debugging. Click on Enable to proceed.
  8. Transfer the Aurora Retailer APK to the Platform Instruments folder.

  9. Enter adb set up AuroraStore_4.1.1.apk within the Terminal. Right here, 4.1.1 refers back to the model quantity, which may differ relying on while you’re studying this. Make certain to repeat the precise file title and paste it into the Terminal.

  10. As soon as executed, open the Begin menu. You may discover Aurora Retailer within the Beneficial part. Alternatively, you possibly can seek for it utilizing the search bar.

Now that Aurora Retailer is put in and able to go, the following step is to open it, set it up, and set up your favourite apps. Putting in apps from the shop is much like the Google Play Retailer.

Establishing Aurora Retailer

This is arrange the Aurora Retailer.

  1. Click on the Aurora Retailer icon to begin the appliance.

  2. Settle for the Phrases of service and click on Subsequent.

  3. Verify Session installer and click on Subsequent.

  4. Select the app’s theme and accent, and click on Subsequent.

  5. Grant all of the required permissions and proceed additional.
  6. Once you’re executed, click on End.
  7. As WSA lacks GApps, the Sign up with Google possibility will not work, so click on Nameless.

  8. You may then see the Aurora Retailer homepage.

  9. To obtain an app, click on an icon and the Set up button to begin the obtain.

  10. As soon as executed, you will see a window containing the bundle installer. Click on Set up.

  11. As soon as an app is put in, you could find it within the Begin menu’s Beneficial part or All apps.

  12. This is Instagram operating on WSA.

Like many Google Play Retailer options, Aurora Retailer additionally has its shortcomings. One in all them is app availability. Nonetheless, you possibly can counter it by manually putting in APKs from APK Mirror utilizing the adb set up command.

Putting in WSA by enrolling in Home windows Insiders

The opposite technique includes signing up for the Home windows Insider Program. Putting in the Beta or Developer variations means that you can check out upcoming options on the expense of total system stability. Regardless, it’s an possibility in case you do not need to depend on third-party instruments. All it’s essential do is join Beta within the Home windows Insider Program, change your area to the U.S., and search and obtain the Amazon Appstore in Home windows Retailer.

Beta and Developer builds may very well be unstable and might not be possible for day by day use. When you obtain an insider construct, there is no going again to secure except you do a clear set up of Home windows.

Home windows Subsystem for Android remains to be restricted

With the latest launch of model 2207.40000.8.0, WSA is now out there to check out in Japan and Germany. There’s nonetheless an extended technique to go earlier than the function makes it to the secure launch. Nonetheless, because the help is increasing, it could arrive in your area ahead of anticipated.

One of many latest updates for Home windows Subsystem for Android upgraded the Android model to Android 12L. WSA is a good instrument for builders and fans who need to run Android apps on their Home windows computer systems. Nonetheless, an on a regular basis consumer who might not be well-versed with app sideloading would possibly find yourself utilizing the Amazon Appstore, which lacks in style apps. Due to this fact, the general WSA expertise could really feel underwhelming and gimmicky. We hope Microsoft provides extra depth and performance to it till its secure launch on Home windows 11.

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